Graveyard keeper better save soul xbox one
Graveyard keeper better save soul xbox one

graveyard keeper better save soul xbox one graveyard keeper better save soul xbox one

It’s a major emotional difference from other games like it because the point of those other games is that you do want to leave your old life behind. That said, in Graveyard Keeper, your character does not want to leave that life behind and the whole game centers around getting back somehow – if that’s even possible. Sure, both games are about leaving the life you know behind to live a new life elsewhere, which is the metagame of what you the player are doing when you get into the routine here. The obvious comparison here is Stardew Valley, with which this game shares a lot of design DNA, but that motivator makes things fundamentally different Side note: If this game actually just ended right there and was a $19.99 PSA about not texting while crossing the street, holy shit that would be some incredible avant-garde ART. The game opens with a brief cinematic where you profess your enjoyment for a modest, simple life shared with someone you love, only to get hit by a car while you’re texting. Graveyard Keeperis devilishly designed and it’s one of those games where tugging at one mechanic leads to two more. It’s a strangely lovely, oddly beautiful game, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, and here’s how that went. Tasked with maintaining the grounds, handling the dead bodies, leading sermons in the church, and more, all you’re really trying to do is get back to your wife from before the car accident. It’s a game that starts off with you dying, only to wake up and find that you’re the newly appointed keeper of the graveyard in a medieval-era town that may or may not actually be purgatory. The first time I sat down with Graveyard Keeper (developed by Lazy Bear Games and published by tinyBuild), two hours just plain disappeared.

Graveyard keeper better save soul xbox one