Ephemeral messaging
Ephemeral messaging

ephemeral messaging

Open Garden created this graph to size up FireChat's core messaging formula with its chat app brethren. Open Garden has done its best to categorize its creation, providing an interesting look at which core components of the messaging app ecosystem make up our preferred services. It's also hyperlocal if you can find people nearby to chat with, but the "Everything" room requires an Internet connection in one way or another. In this case, it's somewhere between the random, stranger-oriented Chatroulette - the video chatting phenomenon that exploded in 2010 - and the ephemeral SnapChat, but with an anonymous twist. It's easiest to understand it as a combination of chat apps and the kinds of experiences their respective user bases most often generate. "To be honest, we were expecting some of it," Daligault said of the overt strangeness one encounters in the "Everyone" rooms, "but not this much." The experience has been described to Daligault and Open Garden employees as "the child of Twitter and the Jerry Springer Show," among other apt mash-ups. That yielded a perfect balance: A space small enough to interact with others, but still thrown together randomly in a way that changes every time you open and close the app. So Open Garden instituted an automatic cap, letting each group of randomly organized users hit 80 and closing it off. That proved to be a half-measure, not stemming the flow of the conversation enough for users to actively engage one another.

ephemeral messaging

Screenshots by Nick Statt/CNETīecause the app grew so fast, Open Garden had to set a cap on the "Everyone" rooms, limiting them to a user's home country.

ephemeral messaging

Just a small taste of what one can expect to wander into when opening FireChat at any given moment.

Ephemeral messaging